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What are the characteristics of tin ore?
time:2022-04-28 15:19:58      source:SystemMaster       browse:270time
      Tin reserves are highly concentrated: mainly concentrated in Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi six provinces and regions. Yunnan is mainly concentrated in the old factory and Nandan factory. Old and big factories account for about 40% of China's reserves.
      Another characteristic of Chinese tin ore is that it is mainly primary tin ore, followed by sand tin ore. In the country's total reserves, the original tin ore accounts for 80%, sand tin ore only accounts for 16%.
      There are many common components: tin as a single mineral accounts for only 12%, tin as a major mineral accounts for 66% of the country's total reserves, and tin as a common component accounts for 22% of the country's total reserves. Symbiotic and symbiotic minerals include copper, lead, zinc, tungsten, antimony, molybdenum, cadmium, silver, tantalum, gallium, gallium, germanium, cadmium, iron, sulfur, arsenic, fluorite, etc.
      Large and medium-sized deposits: large tin deposits, medium deposits, especially Yunnan Laochang and Guangxi Dachang, are world-class polymetallic super large tin deposit areas.
      High degree of exploration: high degree of exploration of tin ore in China. By the end of 1996, the reserves at the level of exploration and detailed exploration accounted for 51.6 percent of the total reserves, 44.8 percent of the reserves at the level of detailed exploration, and 95.6 percent of the total reserves in China.

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