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Precautions for use of explosion-proof ventilation system and equipment
time:2021-09-11 15:10:02      source:SystemMaster       browse:220time
Handling and storage of ethylene.
      Use notes: sealed operation, full ventilation. Operators must receive special training and strictly follow operating procedures. Operators are required to wear ESD clothes. Smoking is prohibited in fires, heat sources and workplaces. Use explosion-proof ventilation systems and equipment. Avoid gas leakage into the workshop air. Do not touch oxidants and halogens. Cylinders and containers must be grounded and bonded to prevent static electricity. Gently unload to prevent damage to cylinders and         accessories. Equipped with different types and quantities of fire fighting equipment and leakage emergency treatment equipment.
Storage precautions: Store in a cool and ventilated place. Remove from heat and heat. The temperature should not exceed 30℃. Storage should be separated from oxidizer and halogen, do not mix storage. Use explosion-proof lighting and ventilation facilities. Do not use mechanical equipment and tools that are prone to spark. The oil depot should be equipped with emergency leakage treatment equipment.

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